Genesee County Drain Commissioner |
Surface Water Management |
Public Education Plan7 Required Elements
Public Education & ParticipationSince 2004 the Public Education Committee has been meeting. They are responsible for developing the education program that will promote and educate the public on surface water quality and how to protect Our Water resources. Using the 7 required elements the committee worked with the University of Michigan's Center for Applied Environmental Research (CAER) to draft the public education plan. 2006
was an exciting year for the Public Education Committee. Implementation
of the plan began with the logo chosen and incorporated into our education
efforts. Our Water campaign web-page is complete www.ClearGeneseeWater.comOpens a new window please take a moment and visit the new web site. A brochureOpens a new window featuring the seven elements of storm water education. These have been printed and sent to each community to distribute as you see best. A display booth is complete and available for public events. The booth was ready and used at the 2006s Genesee County Fair to distribute education information. Articles on the seven elements of storm water education and other identified subjects were written and made available to interested parties. An educational Microsoft PowerPoint presentation was developed to present to interested groups such as: service organizations, lake or neighborhood associations, Rotary clubs, etc... This 60-slide presentation is modular so it can be customized for time and interest of its audience. Please contact us if you are interested having us come out and have a presentation for your local group or meeting. 2007 will see the beginning of the drain stenciling program. This is where volunteers can be provided all the supplies necessary to stencil the road next to the catch basins to remind people not to dump waste down their drains. |
Third Monday of Each Month | Public Education Committee Workgroup Location: Genesee County Drain Commissioner's Office |