To The
Genesee County Drain Commissioner
Surface Water Management
Genesee County Drain Commissioner
Surface Water Management

Board of Determinations

Future Board Meeetings

Drains with Recent Board Meetings

Fequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Board of Determination?
    • A Board of Determination is a 3-member panel of disinterested property owners. The role of the Board of Determination is to receive evidence and hear testimony and determine whether the construction (or establishment) of the proposed drain is necessary and conducive to the public health, convenience or welfare.
  • What is a Drainage District?
    • A drainage district is the land area that benefits from the drain. The drainage district makes up the watershed that contributes water to the drain. Each property and municipality within the drainage district pays for the construction (or establishment) of the Drain and for future maintenance and improvement of the drain.
  • Why did I receive a notice?
    • A petition was filed with the Genesee County Drain Commissioner's Office requesting the locating, establishing and constructing of the proposed Drain. All property owners with lands in the Drainage District were sent a copy of the notice.
  • Does the Board of Determination decide what work gets done?
    • No, the Board of Determination decides necessity, but does not determine the scope or cost of the project. Further, the Board of Determination does not determine how much property owners and municipalities will be assessed.
  • Does the decision of the Board of Determination have to be unanimous?
    • No, only a majority vote of the Board of Determination is required. Only the members of the Board of Determination vote. The attendees at the meeting do not vote, but instead provide testimony to the Board members to assist in their determination.
  • What is my assessment amount?
    • Estimated assessment amounts are not yet determined. If the Board of Determination finds the project necessary, the Drain Commissioner will hold a public meeting to review apportionments after a project scope has been determined. Notices for the public hearing on assessments will be sent out at a later date.
  • Do I have to attend the Board of Determination?
    • No, you are not required to attend the meeting; however, it is your right to do so. If you wish to have your comments heard by the board send a letter to 4608 Beecher, Flint MI 48532, or an email to our staff before the date of the meeting to be read at the meeting.
  • Can the decision of the Board of Determination be appealed?
    • Yes. If a person feels aggrieved by the board’s determination of necessity, he/she may institute an action in circuit court within 10 days under MCL 280.72a.

Drains are listed alphabetically

0141 Alger Creek and Ext Drain
1681 Atherton and Extension, Baldwin Rd Branch of 0148 Atherton and Extension (renamed)
0723 Barden
1673 Bigelow (Torrey Road Branch of)
1683 Brier Creek, Hillwood Branch of 0130 BrierCreek (renamed)
0611 Brown- Genesee
0008 Burroughs Drain
0124 Burton Drain
1701 Bush, Highgrove Branch of Drain
1695 Bush, Warwick Groves Branch of 0007 Bush Drain
  • Board of Determination Meeting, 2:00 PM August 23, 2012 atGrand Blanc Township Hall
    MapOpens a new window

1669 Call Drain(Johnson Branch of)
0450 Cattail Swamp, Linden Rd Extension of
0541 Chapman, Dye Road Branch of
0843 Chapman, Whitney St Ext
1622 Cole Cr, Seymour Branch
1590 Cullen and Powers, Oak Road Branch of 0014 Cullen and Powers Extension Drain (renamed)
0420 Daly Drain
0421 Daniel Drain
0217 Duffield Road Branch (Extension)
1693 Eggleston, Dyewood Branch of 0545 Eggleston Drain (renamed)
1688 Elms and Vienna Drain (Farrand Branch)
1687 Flint River, Biggs Branch of
0904 Garnsey
0977 Geiger-Maxwell Drain
1561 Gibson, Grand Wailea Branch of
  • Board of Determination Meeting, 2:00 PM December 4, 2012 at Grand Blanc Township Hall
    MapOpens a new window

0017 Gilkey Creek Drain
  • Board of Determination Meeting, 2:00PM June21, 2005 at Atherton High School Gymnasium(3354 South Genesee Road)
    PER Executive summaryOpens a new window(747kb),
    AssessmentOpens a new window MapOpens a new window

    The Drain Commissioner Constructs and Maintains Drains pursuant to Public Act 40 of 1956 "The Drain Code"

    Under this statute, residents within a drainage district may petition the Drain Commissioner's Office for drainage improvements.. A petitionOpens a new window was received by the Drain Commissioner for the Gilkey Creek dated September 3,2004

    Upon receipt and certification of a petition the Drain Commissioner is required to convene a Board of Determination meeting: Residents within the Gilkey Creek and Branch were notified of the Board of Determination meeting by first class mail, as well as it being published in the Flint Journal. The purpose of this meeting is for the Board of Determination to take testimonyOpens a new window to determine the necessity of the proposed drain. The Board of Determination meeting was held on June21, 2005 at 2:00PM. at the Atherton High School Gymnasium at 3354 South Genesee and was determined necessary.

    Jan 2006 through Aug 2007: Spicer Group was retained to survey the drain, identify the problems and propose solutions in the Preliminary Engineering Report. A copy of this report was sent to the petitioner and each community within the Gilkey Creek and Branch Drainage district for a 30-day review period. A copy of the executive summary was made available here on this website.

    Aug 2007 through Jan 2010: Drain Commissioner's Staff using the testimony from the Board of Determination, the Preliminary Engineering Report and any comments from the review period determined a preliminary design. Based on that design, the Drain Office identified and acquired property to facilitate the preliminary design.

    June 2008 through May 2010: During this time, the Drain Office Staff explored and applied for grants available with the State of Michigan that would help pay for this project and improve water quality benefits. Ultimately this effort was unsuccessful.

    May 2010 through Aug 2011: Spicer Group at the Drain Office's direction, developed the final design, Construction drawings, and Bid Documents for the project. Property Owners within the Gilkey Creek and Branch Drainage District were notified of the Notice of Letting and Day of Review by first class mail, as well as it being published in the Flint Journal twice. Bids were received on Sept 23, 2011.

    After 9AM Oct 12, 2011-the Day of Review, Individual AssessmentsOpens a new window will be known.

    Note: Your Parcel Number(s) is needed to look up your assessment(s). On the envelope you received for the Notice of Letting, the 10-digit Parcel Number is printed above your name and address.

0085 Gilkey Creek, Nelson Branch of
1517 Hasler Inlet, Hill Road Branch
1694 Hasler Inlet, Washburn Road Branch of 0117 Hasler Inlet (renamed)
1686 Howland Drain, Grand Lin Extension 0382 Howland Drain(renamed)
1159 Hughes 20
0026 Hungerford Drain
1501 Kearsley Creek, Green Ridge Estates
0032 Lake Drain, Branch of
0339 Leach Drain
1677 Lewis and Powers, Lawndale Branch of 1039 Lewis and Powers Drain (renamed)
1023 Liba Drain
1657 Lobdell Lake, Majestic Woods Branch of
  • Board of Determination Meeting, 2:00PM June 29, 2006 at Argentine Township Hall

1671 Lobdell Lake, Windwood Beach
1471 Mc Collum Avenue 20
1084 Br of Montrose Drain
0408 Myers Drain
  • Board of Determination Meeting, 2:00 PM November 29, 2011 at Grand Blanc Township Hall
    MapOpens a new window

1674 Myers, Country Club Condo Drain
  • Board of Determination Meeting, 2:00 PM February 20, 2007 at Grand Blanc Township Hall
    MapOpens a new window

1700 Parker Creek Drain
0036 Parker and Scothan Drain
0437 Br 1 of Parker-Scothan Drain
1399 Parker and Scothan, Dodge Road Branch of
0471 Parks Drain
0319 Phillips, East Branch of Drain
1689 Pine Lake Outlet
1684 Pine Run, Berkshire Branch of
1397 Pineview Lake Drive
1675 Reid Road Extension
0638 Robinson and Curtis, Atherton Road Branch of 0344 Robinson and Curtis Drain (renamed)
1696 Root, Lincoln Park Branch of 0185 Root, (renamed)
1439 Rowe, Seymour Br of
1380 Schram 20
1679 Shiawassee River, Cappell Branch of
0320 Schram and Extension Drain
0059 Sheridan Drain
1236 Sherwood, Extensions of Hill Road Branch
1692 Sherwood, Hyde Branch of 0121 Brewer Drain (renamed)
1680 Slack Lake, Saginaw Road Extension
1232 South East Genesee 20
0513 Sprague Drain
0660 Steel Drain
1690 Swartz Creek, Lakeside Landing
0393 Thread Creek, Haven Drive Branch of
  • Board of Determination Meeting, 2:00 PM February 11, 2014 at Grand Blanc Township Hall
    MapOpens a new window

1319 Thread Creek, Pierson Branch of
1336 Wheeler IC
1343 Wood and Cullen Drain
0588 Woolfitt Drain
*Note: Maps and Engineering Reports are provided in PDF format online. Hard copies are available for viewing in our office.